Our Approach

Chiropractic Manipulation (Adjustments)
Adjustments, also known as chiropractic manipulative therapy (CMT) or spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), is a high-velocity low-amplitude thrust into a joint. Adjustments can help decrease pain, increase range of motion, and provide a heightened sense of well-being.
Dry Needling
Dry needling is a targeted soft tissue therapy that focuses on taut and tender fibers within muscles and tendons. By honing in on tender spots and tissue densifications, patients often notice an increase in range of motion and decrease in pain following treatment.
Dry needling can also be performed with electrical stimulation to further promote relaxation of the treated area.
Manual Therapy
Manual therapy focuses on addressing painful soft tissues (fascia, muscles, tendons, and ligaments). Addressing taut and tender areas in the body can increase range of motion, decrease pain, and promote healing by increasing blood flow to the treated area.
Nutritional Consultation
Nutritional consultations are designed to be a holistic approach to pain by addressing diet, exercise, and sleep habits. Stress management, dietary changes, and increases in physical activity can all have positive impacts on pain and overall wellness.
Therapeutic Exercise
Therapeutic exercise and physical rehabilitation can help decrease pain, increase physical fitness, and decrease risk of injury. Additionally, progressive and consistent exercise is linked a multitude of health benefits.
Common Conditions
Chiropractors are able to manage any condition pertaining to the musculoskeletal system. These are the most common conditions we see in our office.

Neck Pain

Extremity Pain


Auto Accident Injuries

Low Back Pain

TMJ (jaw) Pain

Rib Pain

Chronic Pain

Sprains & Strains

Mid-back Pain